The COVID-19 Response Plan

Return to Work Safely Protocol

The protocol incorporates current advice about measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the community issued by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET). As the advice issued by NPHET continues to evolve, this protocol and the measures employers and workers need to address may also change. Therefore, it should be noted that the attached details are non-exhaustive and are also subject to change. This Protocol is a general document applicable to all industry sectors and is a living document.

  1. Carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment

Before re-opening our office, we have ensured the safety of the workplace by:

  • carrying out a risk assessment
  • sharing the results of the risk assessment with our workforce and on our website
  • displaying the advice on the COVID-19 measures in visible locations
  • identifying a designated isolation area in advance
  • maintaining a record of all visitors
  1. Develop cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures

We have increased the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning by:

  • encouraging people to follow the hand-washing advice through signage
  • providing hand sanitiser around the workplace, including entrance/exits, in addition to washrooms
  • frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly as well as providing delegates with disinfectant wipes for keyboard and mouse
  • enhancing cleaning for busy areas
  • setting clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets
  • providing hand drying facilities – paper towels
  • opening windows and doors frequently to help improve ventilation of the offices
  1. Help people to work from home

We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home by:

  • discussing home working arrangements
  • ensuring they have the right equipment, for example remote access to work systems
  • including them in all necessary communications
  • looking after their physical and mental wellbeing
  1. Maintain 2m physical distancing, where possible

We have reviewed layouts of our training rooms, occupancy levels and processes to allow people to attend training courses. Where possible, we encourage maintaining 2m between people by:

  • putting up signs to remind workers and visitors of physical distancing guidance
  • organising our training rooms so that delegates feel safe, maintaining physical distance
  • using floor tape or paint to mark areas to help people keep to a 2m distance
  • arranging one-way traffic through the workplace, where possible
  • staggering break times to reduce pressure on break rooms
  • using safe outside areas for breaks
  1. Where people cannot be 2m apart, manage transmission risk

Where it’s not possible for people to be 2m apart, we manage the transmission risk by:

  • staggering arrival and departure times
  • ‘one person only in lift’ signage
5 steps to working safely